- Stories by Patrick Kiger
SOUTH AFRICA: In South Africa, some AIDS funds go to faith-based groups with little expertise.
Nov 30, 2006

Investigation: Divine Intervention
Insistence on condoms keeps HIV under control in India but clashes with U.S. funding restrictions.
Nov 30, 2006

Investigation: Divine Intervention
Complicated funding forms in Kenya beyond the reach of illiterate caregivers.
Nov 30, 2006

Investigation: Divine Intervention
UGANDA: As Uganda lessens its promotion of condoms, early HIV achievements suffer a setback.
Nov 30, 2006

Investigation: Divine Intervention
THAILAND: Condoms on the wane in Thailand, but not risky behavior.
Nov 30, 2006

Investigation: Divine Intervention
KENYA: Treatment's cost and stigma force some Kenyans to take their chances.
Nov 30, 2006

Investigation: Divine Intervention
THAILAND: Brothels in Thailand under pressure from police and faith-based groups.
Nov 30, 2006

Investigation: Divine Intervention