- Stories by Te-Ping Chen
Business, industry pare back EU climate goals.
Mar 19, 2012

Investigation: The Global Climate Change Lobby
For China, it seems, the worst is yet to come. Jukka Takala, director of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, says that the annual death toll from mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other asbestos-related diseases in China may reach 15,000 by 2035.
Jul 21, 2010

Investigation: Dangers in the Dust
Private investigators fight a hidden war against knock-off cigarettes, electronics, toothpaste, and more.
Jan 27, 2010

Investigation: Tobacco Underground
A massive underground industry makes China the world leader in counterfeit cigarettes.
Jun 29, 2009

Investigation: Tobacco Underground
庞大的地下烟草产业使中国成为全球假烟巨头 国际调查报道记者同盟.
Jun 29, 2009

Investigation: Tobacco Underground
Tobacco Sales Take Off in Cyberspace.
Dec 19, 2008

Investigation: Tobacco Underground
A tale of four FBI agents, 62 Chinese smugglers, and a billion bogus cigarettes.
Oct 20, 2008

Investigation: Tobacco Underground