- Stories by Traver Riggins
For decades Japan has been the final stop of an Eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna supply chain riddled with fraud, criminal misconduct, and lack of oversight.
Mar 16, 2012

Investigation: The Black Market in Bluefin
OVERVIEW: How a runaway fishing industry looted the seas of tuna.
Mar 16, 2012

Investigation: The Black Market in Bluefin
In October, in chaotic Mexico City, a small army of protestors, sporting placards and shouting into bullhorns, worsened the usual traffic snarl around San Lazaro, the nation’s congressional office complex. Television news accounts showed screaming-mad tobacco farmers, some of whom had boarded buses and traveled 500 miles to warn federal legislators that new taxes on cigarettes would put them out of business.
Mar 16, 2012

Investigation: Smoke Screen
OVERVIEW: Down-and-out in developed nations, Big Tobacco is refocusing its lobbying on emerging markets.
Mar 16, 2012

Investigation: Smoke Screen