Welcome ICIJ Insiders!
ICIJ is grateful to all its supporters who make our work possible. Here are the names of ICIJ Insiders – donors who gave at least $35 annually, or a monthly gift of $3 – who joined our community during NewsMatch 2018, which runs from November 1 through December 31. We’ll be adding to this list throughout the entire NewsMatch campaign.
Insiders receive special benefits, such as quarterly newsletters and sneak previews of our work. For information on how you can join and help ICIJ be sustainable, read more below.
- Pablo Ablanedo
- Manuel Acevedo
- Georgina Adam
- Khalid Alawadi
- Robert Amos
- Colleen Aho
- Christine Affolter
- Kim Anderson
- Edward Asscher
- Jeffrey Asher
- Leonidas Athanasopoulos
- Charles Babcock
- Muralidharan Balasubramanyam
- Marianne K Bakker-Rabdau
- Terry Barker
- Elise Bean
- Marc Bendick Jr
- Elizabeth Bennett
- Robin Bennett
- Andre Berthiaume
- Carson Block
- Geoffrey Brandt
- Paul Bommer
- John Borger
- Aymeric Boussard
- Kathryn Brignole
- Gretchen Brosius
- Stephen Brown
- Jonas Brønd
- Ken Bronfenbrenner
- Russell Broscious
- Brian Buick
- Charles Bulbeck
- Margaret Burr
- Daniel Cañas
- Joan Callender
- Pierre Calmeilles
- Regine Cardin
- Christopher Carey
- Christian Castonguay
- Daisy Lopez Celestin
- John Cervantes
- Hemant Chitale
- Nicolas Christin
- Kenneth Cibelli
- Anna Claessens
- Michael Clarke
- Frank Coates
- Reuben Cohen
- Philippe Colliot
- Ricardo Contreras
- Robert Covey
- Alexander Chua
- Reginald Chua
- W. Gregory Chuck
- Eggert Dagbjartsson
- David Darville
- Jonathan Davey
- Serre Denis
- Dian Deevey
- Christoph Derndorfer
- Darko Dodig
- Patrick Doherty
- James M. Donnelly
- Mic Donnelly
- Timothy Dowling
- Thomas Dynesen
- Kaj Robert Eike
- John Eklund
- Alex Eunson
- Duncan Etches
- Sukru Evrengun
- Ricardo Faerman
- Ann Fathy
- Tony Flavell
- Alessandra Farkas
- Joan Feldman
- Harvey Fernbach, MD
- Roberta Flynn
- Gayle Forman
- Robert Fox
- Edouard Fremault
- Rodney Funk
- Gabriela G
- Gerasimos Galatis
- Bridget Gallagher
- George Garrigues
- Jarand Gjestland
- Michael Giles
- Benjamin Goldberg
- Jens Gerbitz
- Thomas Ginsberg
- Wayne Glover
- Karan Goel
- Renee Goubeaux
- Reinhold Gras
- Karen Greaves
- Vincent De Groote
- Donald Gurney
- Patrick Guilfoyle
- Hugo Guthrie
- Scott Haas
- Christian Hahn
- Stephen Haynes
- Nicole Healy
- Christopher Heigham
- Volkmar Henke
- Andreas Hirsch
- Walid Halik
- Kristopher Halverson
- Abakar Halilou
- Amy Hamilton
- Martha Hamilton
- Lynne Hancock
- Kirk Hartley
- Ken Harvey
- Tom Heinsch
- Eva Heintzelman
- Philip Henika
- Richard Hennick
- Joyce Hennessee
- Zol Heyman
- Joerg Hoehne
- Friedrich Karl Hohendahl
- Alex Hung
- Rasmus Hvass Hansen
- Mark Jazbik
- Katherine Jones
- Philip Johnson
- Russell Jokinen
- Elizabeth Kaiser
- Harold Kalishman
- Boris Kamenik
- Mary Keane
- Bruce Keithly
- Daniel Kiecza
- Kyoko Kitamura
- William Klayer
- Peter and Susan Klaas
- Jerrald Knight
- Rodrigo Kohn
- Lars Korner
- H.J.H. Kreutzer
- Oliver Kramer
- Stefan Kruger
- Maxime Kurkdjian
- Hubert Kwisthout
- Elwood Kyle
- Vincenzo Rocco Lacava
- Carolyn LaDue
- Philip Lahmeyer
- Ilana Laporte
- Linda Larkin
- Robert Lassegue
- Hanh Le
- Claudia Levy
- Bianca Libe
- Stephen (仲義) Lin (林)
- Piet Lips
- Judith Liptob
- Henry Lischer, Jr.
- John Lloyd
- Carroll Long
- David Lopez
- Bente Lundh
- Glenn Luttrell
- Nicolas Manuel
- Richard Maranta
- R. Andrew Maass
- Alexis Maget
- Gudmundur Magnusson
- Pedro Maria Martin Martins
- Niamh McD
- William McDowell
- Rose McGovern
- Patricia McHugh
- Avery McIntosh
- Shaun McNally
- J. E. McNeil
- Gregory McKee
- Carina Ménabréa
- Matthew Mercer
- Dominique Micallef
- Joseph Miller
- Danton Miller
- Christopher Mischak
- Elena Minones-Moyano
- Gerard Mirski-Fitton
- Paul Moor
- Bruno Moos
- Yumi Morita
- Catherine Morris
- Ira Moses
- Megan Morrison
- Thomas Mueller
- Morten Nalholm
- Susan Neimes
- Maren Neugebauer
- James Nesbitt
- Anna Nikonov
- Seamus O’Donnell
- Andrew Ogilvie
- Susan O’Grady
- Charles Opondo
- Elizaveta Osipenko
- Eduardo Oteiza
- Mireille Othnin-Girard
- Jung Park
- Nik Patel
- Wolfgang Patzner
- Eliane Pauwels
- Michele Pedrini
- Brian Pedersen
- Mitchell Penberg
- Oliver Pospisil
- Eddie Power
- Stephen Prior
- Thomas Proulx
- Laurent Prunier
- Robert Rabl
- H Rahman
- Richard Ramsay
- Terry Rayton
- Danielle Reed
- Friederike Rieder
- Jed Ringel
- Elsa Rincon
- Louise Roberts
- David Rocket
- Juan Roman
- Jamwa Rowe
- John Rosenfeld
- Leonard Rosi
- Meleah Rush
- Michael Ruvinsky
- Esther Sahle
- Dominik Sandler
- Jane Sasseen
- Laurence Seigel
- Jeremy Schultz
- Kevin Schmidt
- Christina Schreiner
- Deborah Schuller
- Richard Serrano
- Patricia Stallings
- Paul Schoenwetter
- Scot Shinderman
- Arthur Shulman
- Marc De Smedt
- Tom Stites
- Paula Stokes
- Michael Stolz
- Christopher Stoute
- Marianne Szegedy-Maszak
- Yukari Takajou
- Catherine Taplin
- Christian Teutenberg
- Judy Thompson
- Andrew To
- Louis Toth
- Leslie Michelle Touw
- Okito Toyoda
- Akiko Tsuchida
- Jouni Utriainen
- Joseph Van Blargan
- German Vanegas
- Juan Pablo Varela
- Marc Vincent
- Caspar Von Hauenschild
- Dorothy Waddell
- Michael Waring
- Barbara Waters
- Kerwyn Welch
- David Wernecke
- Margret Westwater
- James Wavada
- Ed White
- William Whiting
- Stewart Wilson
- Colin Wood
- Toby Worth
- Alexander Wu
- Robin Wiener
- Cora-Ann Wilson
- Dennis Wilcox
- Nathan Young
- Guy Zaczek
- Rossano Zanga
- Ian Zitron
ICIJ Insiders benefits
Your monthly or annual donation will give you the following benefits:
Change the Conversation

$3-$14/month (or $35-$179/year)
- ICIJ Insider Newsletter (quarterly)
- ICIJ’s Weekly Update
Change the Rules

$15-$49/month (or $180-$599/year)
- Opportunity to submit your question to ICIJ staff. Several questions will be answered in our quarterly ICIJ Insider newsletter
- Sneak previews behind the scenes of ICIJ’s work (monthly)
- ICIJ Insider Newsletter (quarterly)
- ICIJ’s Weekly Update
Change the World

$50/month and above (or $600/year and above)
- Invitation to an exclusive chat with ICIJ staff about our latest major project after publication
- Opportunity to submit your questions to ICIJ staff. Several questions will be answered in our quarterly ICIJ Insider newsletter
- Sneak previews behind the scenes of ICIJ’s work (monthly)
- ICIJ Insider Newsletter (quarterly)
- ICIJ’s Weekly Update
Contact Us
If you have questions or comments, you can reach our grants manager, Caitlin Ginley Sigal, at donate@icij.org or +1 202-800-0160.