An ICIJ Investigation
Divine Intervention
U.S. AIDS Policy Abroad
Conservative policy hinders U.S. initiatives to fight AIDS abroad by insisting on abstinence-only programs over promoting condom use.

Divine Intervention
PEPFAR policy hinders treatment in generic terms
By M. Asif Ismail
December 13, 2006
- A year-long investigation of President Bush’s initiative to fight AIDS abroad finds that conservative ideology hinders its real benefits by insisting on abstinence-only programs over promoting condom use.
- In 2003, President George W. Bush asked Congress to appropriate $15 billion for an international AIDS initiative, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) — a plan that, while seeking to treat those infected with HIV/AIDS and prevent the spread of the disease, is hindered by conservative ideologies.
- ICIJ found that PEPFAR actually restricts the use of funds because of its ties to faith-based organizations that promote abstinence-only programs and overlook the importance of other courses of action such as condom use.
Divine Intervention

Nov 30, 2006
‘Holy water cures even HIV’
Divine Intervention

Nov 30, 2006
‘I was raped by soldiers. The holy water and the drugs will cure me’
Divine Intervention