Daniel Santoro, Argentina, is the national political editor at Clarin, Argentina's largest newspaper.

He has conducted extensive investigations into government corruption, national security matters, and international drug trafficking, including one story linking former president Carlos Menem with the trafficking of 6,500 tons of weapons to Croatia and Ecuador.

Santoro was bestowed the 1995 King of Spain international journalism, Konex, Maria Moors Cabot and Colpin awards. He teaches journalism at the Universidad de Belgrano and Fundación Gabo, founded by Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garcia-Marquez in Colombia.

He has published “Operación Cóndor II, el misil que desmanteló Menem”, “Venta de armas: hombres de Menem”, “La Ruta del Dinero K”, “La Batalla Final de Cristina” and “Técnicas de Investigación” (Investigation techniques).

Santoro is a member of the Argentine Journalism Academy, and former president of Foro de Periodismo Argentino (FOPEA), an association of journalists. He was a jury member of the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize and Ipys-Venezuela.