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Support ICIJ today for another year of powerful, independent journalism

Can you help us create a world that is more transparent, accountable and fair?

It’s been an exciting few weeks here at ICIJ. We released our latest global investigation, the Implant Files, which gave a critical voice to patients around the world and helped shed light on the medical device industry. We also reported on new developments in the Panama Papers investigation – the first-ever charges filed in the U.S. and a raid on Deutsche Bank over a money laundering investigation.

All of this goes to show that the work we do is necessary for creating a world that is more transparent, accountable and fair.

If you like the stories we produce here at ICIJ, there is no better way to signal your support than to send us a donation. We are a nonprofit organization, funded by foundations and by people like you, who care about the state of investigative journalism at this critical moment.

It would be impossible for us to bring you a story like the Implant Files without this ongoing support.

We try not to ask for donations all the time. First and foremost, we are a journalism organization, and our content always comes first. But if there was ever a time for us to ask – and a time for you to give — that moment is right now.

We want to raise $100,000 before the end of the year in support of global, collaborative investigative journalism that can help change the world. So far, we’ve raised more than $71,000 from readers just like you! And remember – we’ll be able to match $25,000 of that through the NewsMatch campaign. That means, if we meet our goal, we will have $125,000 going into next year from our readers alone to power our journalism in 2019.

Here’s what your gift can support:

  • Reporting staff to follow up on the Implant Files with new developments as more patients come forward to share their stories in 2019.
  • Training sessions led by ICIJ staff that let us share investigative reporting tips and vast databases with journalists around the world.
  • ICIJ’s developers who are working on the most innovative and groundbreaking technology for investigative journalists.
  • Top-notch researchers to help us find our next major collaborative project, which can be on any topic of global concern. (Have an idea? Let us know!).

And those are just some examples of the type of work we do every day. Join us now for at least $3/month or $35/year, and you’ll become an ICIJ Insider and a valued member of our most dedicated community of supporters. Insiders receive special benefits, like quarterly round-ups of our best stories or exclusive chats with our staff. If there are other things you’d like to have as an Insider, let us know! We’re open to new ideas about how to acknowledge and recognize our supporters.

We’re so close to reaching out year-end goal. We’re more than two-thirds of the way there already! Won’t you chip in with a gift to help us finish out 2018 strong? The stories you’ll want to read in 2019 depend on the support you give today.

From all of us at ICIJ, we’re so grateful for all you do to support, follow and share our work. Help us keep exposing the truth and holding the powerful to account. We can’t do any of this without you.

ICIJ is dedicated to ensuring all reports we publish are accurate. If you believe you have found an inaccuracy let us know.