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About This Project: Luxembourg Leaks

Luxembourg Leaks is a collaborative investigation that exposes for the first time on a global scale how Luxembourg works as a tax haven in the middle of Europe. 

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists collaborated with more than 80 reporters in 26 countries to analyze nearly 28,000 pages of leaked confidential documents that lay out the special tax deals granted by the government of Luxembourg to some of the world’s largest corporations.  

These deals, called tax rulings, allow companies to drastically reduce taxes on profits they shift to Luxembourg – and to do so in secret. The European Commission is currently probing the legality of similar tax deals granted to Amazon and Fiat in Luxembourg as well as to other companies in Ireland and The Netherlands. 

Some of the documents in the leak were reported in 2012 by French journalist Edouard Perrin for France 2 and by the BBC. But the majority of the files have never been examined before. They involve more than 340 companies with links to dozens of countries. They feature detailed and complex tax-savings plans prepared by accountants at PricewaterhouseCoopers on behalf of its corporate clients. 

These arrangements are legal. The goal is to shift money from one part of a company to another through complicated hybrid financial instruments, drastically reducing taxable income. 

To report the story ICIJ and its media partners around the world used data analysis, traditional shoe-leather reporting and online collaboration tools. Alongside the stories, we have published a searchable database where readers can explore the companies in the leak by industry and country and download the original documents. 

The Team

ICIJ Director: Gerard Ryle

Project Manager: Marina Walker Guevara

Data Journalism Manager: Mar Cabra

Research Editor: Margot Williams

Editors: Michael Hudson and Tom Stites

Web Editor: Hamish Boland-Rudder

Web Applications Developers: Matthew Caruana Galizia and Rigoberto Carvajal

Motion Graphic: Mathilde Dratwa and Kieran Michael O’Hare (supported by the Pulitzer Center)

Interactive application designers: Amaya Verde and Mariano Zafra

Researchers: Emilia Díaz-Struck, Delphine Reuter, Will Fitzgibbon and Cécile Schilis-Gallego


  • Neil Chenoweth (Australia)
  • Alain Lallemand (Belgium)
  • Xavier Counasse (Belgium)
  • Kristof Clerix (Belgium)
  • Lars Bové (Belgium)
  • Fernando Rodrigues (Brazil)
  • Leandro Colon (Brazil)
  • Frédéric Zalac (Canada)
  • Harvey Cashore (Canada)
  • Verena Klein (Canada)
  • Zach Dubinsky (Canada)
  • Søren Kristensen (Denmark)
  • Frederik Brun Madsen (Denmark)
  • Jeppe Gaardboe (Denmark)
  • Michael Klint (Denmark)
  • John Hansen (Denmark)
  • Jakob Sorgenfri (Denmark)
  • Peter Jorgensen (Denmark)
  • Gitte Ronberg (Denmark)
  • Minna Knus-Galan (Finland)
  • Anne Michel (France)
  • Serge Michel (France)
  • Edouard Perrin (France)
  • Julia Stein (Germany)
  • Jan Lukas Strozyk (Germany)
  • Benedikt Strunz (Germany)
  • Frederik Obermaier (Germany)
  • Bastian Obermayer (Germany)
  • Klaus Ott (Germany)
  • Christoph Giesen (Germany)
  • Bastian Brinkmann (Germany)
  • Katja Riedel (Germany)
  • Monika Wagener (Germany)
  • Andreas Orth (Germany)
  • Imke Svensson (Germany)
  • Harry Karanikas (Greece)
  • Andras Petho (Hungary)
  • Simon Carswell (Ireland)
  • Colm Keena (Ireland)
  • John McManus (Ireland)
  • Conn O’Midheach (Ireland)
  • Uri Blau (Israel)
  • Leo Sisti (Italy)
  • Paolo Biondani (Italy)
  • Vittorio Malagutti (Italy)
  • Toshihiro Okuyama (Japan)
  • Martijn Roessingh (Netherlands)
  • Jan Kleinnijenhuis (Netherlands)
  • Margo Smit (Netherlands)
  • Marijn Duintjer Tebbens (Netherlands)
  • Bart Mos (Netherlands)
  • Sigurd Bjørnestad (Norway)
  • Yong Jin Kim (South Korea)
  • Yoojung Lee (South Korea)
  • Daniele Grasso (Spain)
  • Eduardo Segovia (Spain)
  • Fredrik Laurin (Sweden)
  • Joachim Dyfvermark (Sweden)
  • Claes Aronsson (Sweden)
  • Sven Bergman (Sweden)
  • Roger Jansson (Sweden)
  • Kristina Lagerström (Sweden)
  • Johan Zachrisson Winberg (Sweden)
  • Titus Plattner (Switzerland)
  • Mario Stäuble (Switzerland)
  • Oliver Zihlmann (Switzerland)
  • Simon Bowers (UK)
  • Seán Clarke (UK)
  • Richard Brooks (UK)
  • Kelly Carr (USA)
  • Leslie Wayne (USA)
  • Dina Gusovsky (USA)
  • Sasha Chavkin (USA)
  • Will Fitzgibbon (USA)
  • Alison Fitzgerald (USA)

Full list of ICIJ’s media partners for this project

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